One of the biggest challenges of treating cancer is that cancer cells can evade attack from body’s immune system and eventually spread and create more complications. However, scientists have come…
CancerHealth News
New Study Claims Half a Million Cancer Cases Occur Due to Obesity
by Shilpaby ShilpaWe all know about obesity and cancer as two of the most life threatening diseases, but in a new study it has been found that obesity is associated with more…
A study carried out by the National Institute of Health (NIH) found out that obesity, rather than diet, was the main cause of change in colon which can lead to…
CancerHealth News
Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors Likely to Develop Stomach Cancer Says NIH Study
by Shilpaby ShilpaResearchers are always looking out for better ways to treat major health problems like cancer. According to the new study by scientists at the National Cancer Institute, part of the…
Cancer still remains one of the worst nightmares for health patients around the world that suffer from it. While lung cancer remains the leading cause of death by cancer in…
CancerDiseases and ConditionsHealth News
Why Brain Cancer Is Extremely Difficult To Cure?
by adminby adminBrain tumor is very difficult to cure Glioblastoma or brain cancer is extremely lethal in kind. Curing it is one of immense difficulty. Malignancy of this kind does not…