Humanity is on the precipice of something rather special. Information technology – once the preserve of silicon valley – is now branching out to all fields of human endeavor We’ve…
Do you feel safe when you are in a hospital? It’s easy to be intimidated by all the machines monitoring you and the tests being done. But all these things…
People often complain that they can’t be fit and healthy because they’re stuck at home a lot. Stay at home mothers, people that work from home, etc. These people will…
A “cardiac arrhythmia” is the medical term used to describe an irregular heartbeat. Most of us know that our bodies need a heart that has a regular, rhythmic beat. If…
Everyone knows that the natural way to lose weight is to change your lifestyle. If you are serious about getting a shaped body, you must start eat lesser by reducing…
Tongue retaining snoring device (TRD) is a type of anti snoring device equipped with a sucker to suck and retain your tongue so that it won’t fall back and block…