The human body is a very complex system. A lot of people have devoted their lives to the study of the human body and the various ailments affecting the human…
Kamal Salar
A group of German Researchers have found a medical benefit associated with a tattoo rather than just being popular as a fashion statement. According to an article published in the…
The modern society has brought about many changes into people’s mentality, health, metabolism and even life rhythm. Among the positive features that it has introduced there are also negative and…
Health News
CycleBeads: A Visual Aid to Help Women Manage Their Fertility
by Kamal Salarby Kamal SalarHere is an exciting news for women who are willing to adopt a natural way of family planning method. ‘Georgetown University Medical Center’s Institute for Reproductive Health’ claims that more…
The problems caused by hair loss are considered to be very serious, as besides the esthetical issues that they provoke they also determine serious health problems. There are many treatments…
“Obstructive Sleep” or the “Apnea Syndrome” is a common symptom occurring among the individuals suffering from respiratory disturbances. The sleep disturbances are often seemed to be growing with the age.…