What are Petechiae? Petechiae are the small, Reddish round blotches on the leg. There can be different causes; symptoms of these Reddish Bloteches, people suffering from this disease should know…
Diseases and ConditionsEye Diseases
All about Glaucoma – Its Tests and Different Treatments
by Anaby AnaGlaucoma is a type of eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerves which in turn leads to loss of vision that is permanent when left untreated. In most…
The human eye has two main areas, known as the anterior segment which is in the front and is filled with the aqueous humor, a clear watery fluid and the…
Millions of people take Herbal Remedies for different diseases ranging from Cholesterol to Depression. These Remedies seem to be safe but if they interact with the prescribed drugs, they can…
Chest cold is the most common health conditions, following are the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the Chest cold. What is Chest Cold? Chest cold is the congestion of…
Triploidy is a Chromosomal disorder that is considered as a nightmare for the parents who are expecting. What is Triploidy Syndrome? It is an uncommon disorder in which a baby…