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Exercises to Get Rid Of Saddlebags

by Souti

Saddlebags make your lower portion heavy which have an adverse affect on your appearance. It will make you feel less confident. Excess fat is always harmful for body & causes other disease to appear, so try to reduce it with accessible ways.

•    Practicing squats is an outstanding way to resist the saddlebags. It will also strengthen your gluteus muscles.

•    There is no other substitute for brisk walking for half an hour each day. You can do it either in the morning or in the evening, but nothing can replace this easy way of removing excessive fat from the lower part of the body.

•    To tone your body, you can choose another effective way, like cardio exercises. Before starting it on a regular basis, you can consult with a professional trainer.

•    To shape your body against saddlebags aerobics has also been found to be very effective (spend half an hour, thrice a week). In fact it is helpful for overall weight lose.

•    Medicine ball exercises are also a useful treatment against saddlebags. You can register your name in your nearby gym to get the opportunity.

•    Enacting weight training workout can also give you some useful results against saddlebags.

•    Performing yoga has also been recommended to get rid of saddlebags.  It will help you to make your body flexible & firm.

•    To get the perfect shape of your body Pilates is one of the effective ways. It will help you to remove the extra fat from the lower portion of your body.
Food Tips

•    To get rid of saddlebags try to consume foods which contains fibre & carbohydrates (oats, whole wheat bread, unpolished rice etc).

•    Lean meat has the potential to replace the stored complex fats, so include lean meat (fish, chicken breast etc) in your diet.

•    Another option to get in shape is soy bean. It’s a rich source of protein.

•    Try to add lots of green vegetable & fresh fruits in your diet. It will improve your body metabolic rate & is also an excellent option to get rid of extra fat.

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