Home » Low Cholesterol Lunch Ideas

Low Cholesterol Lunch Ideas

by Ana
Low Cholesterol Lunch Ideas

Easy and Healthy Lunch Ideas For Controlling Your Cholesterol Levels:

Lunch Ideas

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Lunch is a significant part of our meal. By the time noon hits, you prefer to go to a pizzeria to grab a pizza or to the nearest fast food joint to grab a burger. This suites your busy schedule. However it’s not only costly for your pocket, it can also affect your health too. So in order to keep your body healthy you need to focus on your diet. Following are some low cholesterol lunch ideas that you can apply.

Banana Wrap With Whole Wheat Dough:


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This low cholesterol option is easy to pack also. Bananas are full of minerals, whole wheat flour is the main ingredient of the wrap dough, so it will provide you with enough fiber.

Put the ripe bananas in the wrap & for some texture as well as healthy fat you can add some peanuts & almonds also.

Pizza (Low Cholesterol):


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Though people like to avoid pizza when it comes to their health, however there are some healthy options too. You can put plenty of lean proteins like chicken or turkey, fruits & veggies too on your pizza. For some extra taste there are some low calories cheese options that are also available. Nevertheless homemade pizza is the best option for this. You can use some leftover veggies for toppings as well.

Lettuce Wrap With Lean Meat:

Lean Meat

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Instead of tortilla you can use lettuce to make it even more healthy. Use any kind of lean protein (skin removed) & chop it into small pieces. Use veggies like diced carrots, shredded cabbage even you can use some fruits like pineapples too. Make a little sauce with the protein, add spices according to your taste & put the mixture on the clean lettuce & wrap it well. To make it even more tasty you can add little chopped ginger too.

Soups (Low In Fat):

healthy soup

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Soups are something which you can prepare quite quickly & it’s very filling too. Instead of having a heavy creamy soup, make it healthy with lots of vegetables. If you want you can add whole grains (pasta or noodles etc.) also & add spices as per your taste. Make sure you are using a light broth.

Tuna Salad:


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Tuna is a rich supplier of omega-3. You can grill it or even a little saute will work. For salad use tomatoes with various other green leaf vegetables, bell pepper etc. You can use low fat dressing also. Mix all the veggies & tuna in a big bowl & add spices & a little bit of olive oil on it. Mix it well & pour it in your lunch box.

Something Outside The Box:


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Baked potatoes with nonfat sour cream, nonfat yogurt, salsa, mustard could be a very tasty as well as a healthy option too. When you are at home during weekends, cook a batch of potatoes for your weekdays. You need to wrap individual potatoes in different foils & bake it at 425 degree F for almost an hour or till they are richly adorned. On your working days just warm them up in the microwave & add your favorite toppings.

Vending machines at workplaces are very tempting option, however to stay away from this you need to keep your cubicle full with healthy snacks. On the other hand, for preparing a healthy lunch you need to plan quite early so that you can have them while required.

Featured Image by: Pexels

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