Home » What to do to Help Painful Joints?

What to do to Help Painful Joints?

by Souti

When your joints are aching and in pain, it can seem like the most annoying ailment imaginable. We rely on our joints to make the most basic movements, so we feel it when they’re not in good condition.

Get Expert Advice

Once you go past a certain point, it’s essential to get the advice of a medical professional who knows what he or she is talking about. There might be deeper problems that only a doctor will be able to diagnose. Or it might be something simple and straightforward, and the advice they give you could solve the problem.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

You don’t need to see a joint specialist to begin with, a doctor that works in general internal medicine should be your first port of call. If your problem is common like arthritis, they’ll be able to diagnose you quite quickly and offer you the relevant treatment you need.

Change Your Exercise Regime

The way you exercise has a big impact on the way your joints feel. If you’re somebody who undertakes a lot of high intensity and high impact exercise, this will eventually take its toll on your joints. For example, running can damage your knee joints because your joints take the shock of the impact when your foot hits the floor.

This might be the cause of your pain, so the sensible solution is to stop doing this kind of exercise and try something new. There are plenty of options that you can choose from. One of the best forms of exercise that has no impact on your joints is swimming. You never even touch the floor, so your joints are unaffected.

Take Time to Rest

The most simple and straightforward way of making sure that you joints are in good health is letting them rest. This should be done after every major workout you do. Go home, put your feet up and take the strain off your joints so that you don’t cause any lasting damage to them over time.

Sometimes, you should go even further. This means having whole days in which you do no exercise. For a lot of gym enthusiasts, this might sound like a difficult thing to stick to, but it’ll be worth it in the long-term. The alternative is to risk getting injuries, and that’ll put you out of action for even longer.

Injection Treatments

If you’ve had the pain in your joints for a long time, and it isn’t going away, it might be time to consider injection treatments. This is a much more effective way of relieving pain than using oral medicines. Plus it gets right to the source of the pain, rather than offering a more general form of pain relief.

The injection treatment will have to be done by a medical professional, and it will probably be done more than once. If, after the first course of treatment, the problem hasn’t gone away, another course might be needed four or five months later. If the problem never goes away, your doctor will want to find the underlying problem that’s causing the pain.

Different cures work for different people, so try these until you find the one that’s right for you.

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