Home » 12 Top – Rated Myths about Flu and Influenza Vaccines

12 Top – Rated Myths about Flu and Influenza Vaccines

by Ana

Are flu vaccine myths stopping you from taking flu shots? Are you scared that autism or that flu shots would cause you flu? Virtually all vaccines have myths which are often not true. Flu vaccines are safe and effective means to help you stay healthy and prevent illness. Finding has shown that flu can cause serious illness even death especially in folks with peculiar chronic health conditions.

Noteworthy is that flu vaccines are the best protection against influenza illness and its complications and could either be inactivated or live attenuated vaccines. The inactivated influenza vaccine or flu shot is made of killed influenza viruses and is administered through injection. In the same vein, live attenuated influenza vaccine is made from weakened influenza viruses and it’s administered as nasal spray.


Source by : i.cbc.ca

Generally, the term flu is often used to refer to any illness caused by a virus such as stomach flu or common cold. There is overwhelming evidence that flu virus causes more severe complications than can be imagined.

Myth about flu vaccine is just a misinformation about the vaccine. It’s therefore essential to limit spread of such information since its spread will wreck havoc in the polity.

Below are some myths about flu vaccines.

Myth 1: Influenza is not a serious illness

Several evidence support prevalence of influenza in the B.C. era where several folks may have been ravaged by influenza and its health complications such as pneumonia. There are groups highly vulnerable to risk infections. One of the high risk groups is elders over 65 years.

Myth 2: I have never had influenza; taking flu shot is unnecessary.

Findings have shown that influenza virus mutate just like many virus strains. Many folks fall ill as a result of influenza many times within their life time. Thus, influenza vaccine remains the best security against influenza.

Myth 3: Influenza vaccines give influenza.

Considering the two vaccines arising from influenza, the inactivated flu vaccines referred to as flu shot, contain killed viruses and cannot give you influenza. The live attenuated influenza vaccine on the other hand, given as nasal spray, contains weakened viruses and is reported to have associated mild symptoms, though less severe than one caused by the virus. They include runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, as well as fever.

Myth 4: Influenza vaccines cause severe side effects.

Influenza vaccines are known to be safe with common signs on those vaccinated. These signs are soreness, swelling and redness at points where the vaccines are given. And those who receive flu shot for the first time may experience muscle ache, tiredness or even headaches and evidence shows only one per million cases of Gullain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a rare condition that can result in weakness and paralysis of the body’s muscles.

Myth 5: Influenza vaccines protect against viruses or bacteria which cause colds or stomach illnesses.

There is no evidence that Influenza vaccines protect against viruses which cause colds and stomach flu. Influenza is only effective against viruses that cause influenza.

Myth 6: Flu vaccines do not work because I have influenza or flu.

It’s important to note that there exist several viruses which can cause influenza-associated symptoms. The Influenza vaccines protect against the three strains of influenza viruses which health professionals believe influence the spread of the disease in its prevalent season. The vaccines may not prevent influenza, though may decrease symptoms, in elderly folks and those with certain chronic health conditions

Myth 7: Flu vaccination is not for pregnant women.

Inactivated vaccine is deemed safe at any stage of pregnancy. Women at the second stage of pregnancy, especially those at third trimester, are at higher risk of facing health implications arising from influenza vaccines. In the same vein, women with chronic health conditions are at higher risk of flu vaccine complications.

Noteworthy is that attenuated influenza vaccine is safe during pregnancy and it’s advised that pregnant women should be immunized with inactivated influenza vaccine containing killed virus.

Myth 8: Every week vaccination weakens immune system

Just like any other vaccines, influenza vaccines boost the immune system and thus protects against virus.

Myth 9: Folks with allergies do not need Influenza vaccines

Any folk with allergies is free to receive influenza vaccines without any health implications. Though, in severe cases, it is advised that you speak to your health care provider for direction. In that case, you may need a health test before vaccination with inactivated influenza vaccine; it’s not clear if attenuated vaccine if safe for those with allergies.

Myth 10: Nursing mothers do not need influenza vaccines

It’s safe for babies to relish breast milk after mothers must have been vaccinated.

Myth 11: Flu vaccines cause Alzheimer’s disease

There is no evidence that this is true.

Myth 12: Flu vaccines contain hazardous elements such as mercury, formaldehyde and antifreeze.

There is no evidence supporting such claim and will be said to be untrue.

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