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Tips to Get Rid of Acne Scars

by Ana

Acne Scars

Acne is no doubt one of the major skin problems that is faced by lots of people worldwide, the ladies with acne acne-scarsproblem though go for lots for treatment against the acne but majority of times the pimples leaves the skin with a gift of scars and spots.

If you are getting jealous of the flawless skin of some super model then this is really not a right way, this jealousy will bring more scars on your face so try to find out some solution for your skin.

There are many chemical as well as natural homemade remedies for the treatment of acne scars; I would suggest you to go for the natural procedures because they don’t bring any side effects on your skin.

In this article I am going to discuss some of the remedies that can help you in getting rid of acne scars from you face and with the super soft and clear skin shine like a gorgeous personality.

  • Honey and Apple both are considered very effective for removing spots from the skin, you might have heard about the Apple, honey mask so let’s see how you can make it. Make a fine paste of Apple and then put 4-6 drops of honey into that paste, apply this paste over your skin and then rinse it off after 15 minutes. This paste will close your pores and the complexion will be lightened.
  • Another very affective home remedy for the scars can be prepared with honey and milk, make a paste of honey and milk and apply it over your skin twice a day. After sometime you’ll notice that the acne scars have started vanishing.
  • The baking soda has also found to be effective for the acne scars, it has been noticed that in some of the chemical treatments baking soda has been used. If you also want to get the benefits of this natural product then mix baking soda with some drops of filtered water and apply it over your skin. Gently rub this mixture over the scars for 1-2 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • For the perfectly clean and glowing skin the cucumber juice is a perfect natural gift, apply this juice almost daily over your skin and it will close the pores. You’ll also feel that the skin tone will be lightened along with a fresh look.
  • If you have got the dark acne scars then you can lighten then up with the help of lemon juice, put some drops of lemon juice over a cotton ball and then rub it over your acne scars. Repeating this activity daily will let you get the perfectly glowing and clear skin.
  • Vitamin C is the best ingredient that can help you in getting the perfectly clear skin, almost every fruit contains a high volume of Vitamin C so try to eat as much fruits as you can because it will not make you healthy and fit but will also make your skin clear.

These were some of the remedies and suggestions that will not only make your skin clear but you’ll also feel a natural glow on your face.

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