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Newborn Health Is the Priority in Baby Care

by Ana

You are a new daddy and a new mummy now. It must be very exciting to Newborn healthhave that little angel between you two. However, along with the excitement of having a new baby come the anxious feeling on how to do the Baby Care. Baby care for new born is in fact very crucial. Newborn Health becomes the main priority in doing baby care.

For the first or two week of your baby’s life, it must be rather problematic for you to bath him. The high level of the difficulties in bathing newborn is caused by your awkward movement on handling that little cute fragile creature.

In addition, you also have to wait until the umbilicus falls off as well as the circumcision to heal. Immersing those unhealed wounds in water will be a dangerous decision, for that reason, the best way out in keeping your newborn hygiene is by doing the sponge bath.

To begin with, in caring your baby, make sure that you prioritize their safety. Do not let your baby to be cold and wet for an extensive time due to your lack of preparation. To do a baby care, preparation is the main key. Prepare your baby bath equipment such as a towel, a source of warm water, baby soap, cotton balls and alcohol, a washcloths, diaper cream, a diaper, and so on and so forth. Put those supplies near your reach.

Do not forget to turn off any fans or air conditioner before you take off your baby clothes. It is important because your baby will not tolerate the cold with his bare body. If you have prepared the warm water, do check the water temperature. It is imperative! You can check the water temperature by dipping your forefinger into the water. Make sure that the water is slightly warm. After undressing your baby, wrap him all the time with towel; expose only the part of his body that you will clean. Using the warm washcloths, start to wipe gently on the face area such as eyelids, eyes, mouths and nose. Make sure that you are not pressing that area. It is only a gentle sweeping. And continue to the hands, neck, and legs areas. Do not forget with the genitals area. When you are having your baby sponge bath, do not use too many soap for the skin of your baby is still very sensitive. Dry your baby quickly and gently with dry towel. Do not be hesitate, enjoy the moment of caring your baby as a way to communicate with him.

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