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The Fresh and New Mr. Fruitness Promotion

by Ana

The brand new look of the Mr. Fruitness website is all about showing the importance of fruit consumption.

mr-fruitness-promotionThe site is particularly promoting fruits like kiwis, pears, plums, peaches and nectarines. The Italian Government along with the CSO or Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli, have arranged for the fund meant for raising awareness for fruit consumption along with the great health benefits coming from fruits. The project is all about making fruit consumption as much enjoyable as possible for all concerned. This project includes nutritional information about fruits along with interesting recipes that can be made with these fruits.

The way these fruits can be added to many other conventional recipes is also a good way to start including more fruits to one’s days. This health promotional website gives the viewer basic tips on staying healthy and keeping fit with the added benefits of fruit consumption being put as an indispensable part of the health campaign. Fruits are high in vitamins, minerals, fibers, antioxidants and are low calorie as well. Most fruits are high in water content filling up a person quite easily. It is inevitable that fruits give us the basic dietary allowances in many ways. So snacking on fruits and adding more fruits to daily meals are great ways to start on a lifelong journey of health and well being.

The multiple benefits of fruits can be found in many wonderful ways. This is one of the most effective ways through which junk addiction, obesity and many related diseases of the body can be fought. The icon for the whole project is Mr. Fruitness, a superhero with green hair and super green body who comes to train his team with multiple fruit avatars. The campaign leads with the health benefits of fruits that bring many associated ways through which body’s strength, immunity and health benefits can be found in multiple ways. The hero is all about gaining strength and energy from fresh and natural provisions of fruits while fighting junk and any health diseases.

The promotion is targeted especially for kinds and adolescents in Austria, Germany, UK, Poland and Sweden where fruit consumption has gone reportedly lower among kids. The new website promotes a multilingual platform and also brings different games, fun information and a bright and funky spirit to it all. This site is much more interactive and attractive. The various avatars are the disciples of the main icon and represent the different powers achieved from fruits.


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