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Importance of prenatal health care

by Ana

Are you pregnant? congratulations! You are heading toward an exciting journey. As you would start your journey towards parenthood, you’ll find out how much there is to learn and how valuable is, to memorize the information, you have gathered.

You’re going to have a baby. Either you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, you will want to give your baby a healthy start.

For this purpose, you need to have paid regular visit to your doctor. These prenatal care visits are utter most required for the better health of yourself and for the neonate growing in your womb. Some things are important to stop when the pregnancy signs start to appear, such as smoking or drinking. Even some prescribed medicines can also create complications during pregnancy. You will have to drink plenty of fluids and healthy diet, in early pregnancy stages to cope with the morning sickness, or nausea. You may also feel more tired and dire need of rest.

Your body will also start to change with the passage of time, as baby grows during the nine months of your pregnancy. Feel free to call your health care provider in case of any difficulty of worry you feel during pregnancy.

Prenatal Health Care

Prenatal health care is the only key to give your child a healthy start. If any sign of pregnancy appears, immediately call your doctor and go for first physical examination as soon as possible.

Your doctor will likely to perform a pregnancy test, and will discover the time of your pregnancy on the basis of physical examination and the date of your last period. On the basis of provided information your health care provider will forecast your delivery date.

If everything goes normal including your health without the prevalence of any risk factor, most health care professionals would like to see you:

  • After very 4 weeks till the 28th week
  • then after 2 weeks until 36 weeks
  • then once in a week till the time of delivery

It’s necessary to check your weight, blood pressure, sugar during the course of pregnancy. Your doctor will also examine the growth and development of your baby with the help of feeling your abdomen, fetal heartbeat, and by measuring your belly. During the whole pregnancy period, you’ll also have prenatal tests, including blood, urine, and cervical tests, and at least one ultrasound to analyze the growth and development of your infant.

There are plenty of good choices available now days for a normal and risk free delivery, if you’re healthy enough and there’s no reason to foresee complications with your pregnancy and delivery. However, nurse-midwives do need to have a doctor available for the delivery in case an unexpected problem arises or a cesarean section (C-section) has to be performed.

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