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Mobile Phones Interfere With Quality of Sleep

by Kamal Salar

A new study by researchers in the US and Sweden suggests that using a mobile phone could interfere with your quality of sleep.Use of mobile phones interferes with the quality of sleep. A recent research conducted in the US and Sweden confirmed this finding. Researchers at the ‘Wayne State University’ in US and the ‘Karolinska Institutet’ in Sweden published the findings of this study in a peer reviewed online journal “PIERS Online”.

A group of 71 people, 36 women and 35 men took part in this study. Out of these 22 men and 16 women reported strong symptoms attributing to the disturbances in sleep with the use of mobile phones. Researchers collected data for symptoms of headache, mood, cognitive function, and electro-encephalographic recordings.

Participants were exposed to the mobile signals on an 884 MHz GSM wireless communications band and were directed to the left hemisphere of the brain, giving an average exposure of 1.4 Watts/kg including periods of DTX and Non-DTX.

The data collected and analyzed show that it took a little longer to the participants to reach at the ‘stage 3 deep sleep’ and the time left for ‘stage 4 deep sleep’ was shorter after actual exposure to mobile signals compared to when they had the sham exposure. Different stages of sleep are considered as the important stages that help to recover from daily wear and tear.

The participants who did not report strong symptoms from mobile phone use reported that they experienced more headaches during real exposure compared to the time when they were kept away from their mobile phones.

Researchers feel that they require more study in order to understand the self reported data analysis and to evolve a mechanism to measure the exact health implications.

Many mobile manufacturers have expressed their viewpoints with a concern that it should be seen in “light of the total research effort into mobile phone safety”.

Experts also feel that the risks of using mobile phones during sleep-hours are increasing and with new researches the evidences are also getting stronger. People should be taking all the necessary precautions. They should rather prefer not to make calls from their mobile phones in the evening hours. Sleeping with the mobile phones should also be avoided.

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