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Eat Healthy Breakfast to Remain Trim

by Ana

An interesting fact is revealed that the kids who start their day with a healthy breakfast are in a better position to stay trimmer compared to those who skip their breakfasts. A new study suggests that the teens who wish to keep the extra pounds away should include in their meals, a healthy breakfast.This is supported by another study which confirmed that the adolescents who skipped their breakfasts tend to gain weight.

The study was conducted by Dr. Mark Pereira, a pediatrician, who said that a significant association could be established between the kids who reported eating breakfast and the weight they gained throughout the time. During the research other dietary factors and physical activities were also kept into account.

He found that that the better dietary pattern and better physical activity could be seen among the teens that included healthy breakfast in their daily diets. He supported this by quoting that “Grandma and Mom are right. When we skip breakfast, especially in the teenage years, then kids tend to snack and graze.”

The data gathered over the past two decades have shown that more than one-third of children belonging to the age group of 12 to 19 are already suffering from the problem of overweight or at the risk. Among these children almost 12 to 34 percent had been found skipping their breakfast on regular basis. This gives support to the fact that breakfast skipping could be linked with the tendency to gain weight.

Dr. Pereira has also taken into account the previous scientific studies done on the same subject to find the relationship between the risk of obesity and the breakfast habits among the children and the adults. He says that the previous studies do indicate that there is a direct relationship between the two however there had also been found certain limitations in terms of the methods adopted to reach the conclusions.

In the new study, more than 2,000 participants were surveyed and followed up for five years to study their eating patterns, height, body-mass index and physical activity. It was generally observed that the people who tool healthy breakfast were less likely to gain weight. However Pereira says that the definitive statements cannot be made on the basis of these studies.

However this study clearly indicates that healthier life style could be adopted by including healthy breakfast in the daily diet. Inclusion of healthy breakfast can improve energy balance and weight control.

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