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A Supplementary Journal Talks about Emergency Contraception

by Ana

Under the drive to address the wrong beliefs about “Emergency Contraception”, OBG Management has teamed up with” The Journal of Family” to publish “Emergency Contraception: When and how to use it”. This would be distributed as a supplementary copy to the February 2008 issues of journals like “OBG Management” and “The Journal of Family Practice”.The purpose of issuing this supplement is to increase awareness among the patients about emergency contraception. This would decrease the incidence of unintended pregnancy.

The supplement has been distributed among the clinicians. This would enable them to tackle the subject of emergency contraception more intelligently. They would be able to create awareness as most of the people are misinformed or uninformed about it. So this supplement would also serve as an excellent guide for clinicians to explain about its usage, when to take it and how it works.

This would also promote over-the-counter access for emergency contraceptive which would be available with for individuals aged 18 years and older. This would help in controlling the accidental pregnancy.

The publication puts emphasis on valuable approaches though which a group effort between the clinicians and pharmacists could be utilized to encourage the access to emergency contraception.

To strengthen clinical counseling efforts, a handout sheet for patients has been included.

Joseph S. Sanfilippo, MD, MBA and the co-author of the supplement tried to explain the material’s significance in light of the recent report from the CDC. The report had shown an increase in occurrence of pregnancy among teen. He stated that emergency contraception would be able to help controlling the hindrances which come in controlling conception among this age group.

He says, “Studies show that teen education about Plan B is not associated with any increase in incidence of teen sexual activity.”

Duramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc has provided funds for the publication of this supplement. OBG Management, a peer-reviewed journal distributed to 40,000 ob/gyns and “The Journal of Family Practice”, a peer-reviewed journal distributed to 96,000 primary care physicians. These two journals are published by Dowden Health Media, a Division of Lebhar-Friedman, Inc. Dowden Health.

Media which distributes these journals is a full-service healthcare communications company. It specializes in high-quality communication with physicians, advanced practice clinicians, and consumers. The journals are highly respected and are distributed among more than 300,000 physicians and clinicians engaged in the field of surgery, psychiatry, family practice, internal medicine & obstetrics/gynecology.

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