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Basic Info about Autism

by Ana

What is autism? This and other questions about autism have plaguedautism-3 many parents’ minds.Autism is not a disease; it is merely a disturbed state of mind that infects kids, usually.

A kid plagued with autism behaves in quite different manner than those who are normal.


“Autism is a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.”

This means that in this disorder, kids refuse to interact with society in a normal manner, and confine their communication with others. They react in a different way than usually kids do. Their actions are repetitive e.g. a kid suffering from autism will keep on arranging his toys in a specific manner, and will react harshly if his arrangement is disturbed.

When do the sigs of autism begin to show?

The signs and symptoms of autism begin to show before a child reaches 3boy_with_autism years of age.


Autism possesses strong genetic basis. Its causes also include mutation, agents that cause birth defects.


Frequency of this disorder is 6 per every 1000 people. Also, males are more prone to this disorder than females, with about four times as many males as females. Since 1980s, diagnostic procedures have changed a great deal and perhaps this is why number of people known to be plagued with autism has been increased since then.

Alarming signs:

If parents notice following signs in their kids, they should immediately consult a doctor in order to know what ails the kids and to ascertain if it is autism or not:

  • No blathering by the age of 12 months
  • No gesticulating like moving their hands in a waving motion, pointing towards a certain thing, etc by 12 months
  • Not have uttered a single word by the age of 16 months
  • Not have uttered dual-word expressions by the age of 24 months (else than in the cases of echolalia)
  • Loss of a language or a social skill at any moment of their ages

If your kid suffers through autism; give him support, love, care and attention as much as you can; this will help him become a successful and constructive member of society.

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