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Doubled Intake of Fruit and Vegetables With the Opportunity of Swtiching to Mediterranean Diet Plan

by Ana

The Issue of ScienceDaily , dated Dec31, 2008 states a news: ‘In a new study led by the University of Michigan Health fruits_vegetablesSystem, women more than doubled theirfruit and vegetable intakes and dramatically increased their consumption of “good” fats when they were counseled by registered dietitians and provided with a list of guidelines on the amount of certain foods they should eat each day’.

A group of 69 ladies was taken to undergo the study. The group was divided into two groups. One was given the ‘exchange list’ of Mediterranean dietary plan. The exchange list was designed in a way that it supported the routine fat andcalories intake of each participant.

The dietitians gave switching options in various food items like olive oil and dark green vegetables like spinach.

The exchange list comprised of limited usage of: olive or hazelnut oil, avocado, macadamia nuts, corn oil, margarine, tahini, pine nuts, sesame seeds, broccoli, peas, spinach, garlic, onions, leeks, basil, cilantro, peppermint, sage, tomatoes, tomato sauce and salsa, carrots, red bell peppers and pumpkin, artichokes, cucumber, green beans, sugar snap peas, fruits: oranges, mangoes, strawberries, apples, bananas and grapes.

Research results showed that the group using exchange list stuck to their diet plans for six months (the research period) and the other group hardly completed 3 months. Research professor of Family Medicine at the U-M Medical School, Zora Djuric, Ph.D says, “That tells us that the exchange list was helpful in assisting women to make major changes in their diet, without changes in their caloric or total fat intake”. So if you are interested in leading a balanced diet and a healthy life, you can also try the exchange list.

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